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Sleeper (Rise of the Fianna Book 1) Page 7
Sleeper (Rise of the Fianna Book 1) Read online
Page 7
All she knew for sure was that she was in deep shit.
Point of No Return
Rhys stood on the sidewalk in front of Makenna's apartment, a man on a mission. He pulled on his collar, the sticky heat more than oppressive in the dress shirt.
He'd almost marked her the last time he'd been here.
He'd have to be more careful. Two more seconds and he would've had her stripped, devouring her. Then he would've sealed their bond for all time.
He couldn't do that, wouldn't do that, until he found out how much she knew of their world. Until she knew everything.
He opened his senses up, taking in the sounds and scents around him. He didn’t usually come into the city. Too much traffic, too many people laughing too loudly, too many bright lights that hurt his shifter eyes. It all assaulted him now. He sorted through each for any sign of a threat. Any sign of Kylian’s fighters.
He had to be on alert, even as he focused on his mission. Tonight was about finding out what Makenna knew. What she kept from him.
Rhys couldn't help but think she was aware of a lot more than she let on. That she was cognizant of at least part of what she was. Her wolf had to have displayed by now. Maybe even her raven.
He'd called yesterday, the day after their encounter, giving Makenna a little time to cool off. If he was honest, he'd needed the time too. He'd kept the conversation light. She'd been distant for a few minutes, then warmed up to him. It took him a good amount of convincing, but he'd managed to wrangle a yes to dinner out of her.
His plan was to take her somewhere nice and get her relaxed before he started digging for information. He had to show her more of himself without scaring her. He needed her to trust him, otherwise she'd never open up.
Rhys didn't want to rush her, but time was running short. The moon was due to be full in three days. Since they drew the majority of their power from the shining orb, his people needed to strike soon and strike hard. His gut told him Kylian would make a move soon, that he'd find Makenna and try to destroy her.
If she wasn't prepared, Rhys could lose her and his kingdom forever.
Then there was the fact that her twenty-fifth birthday just happened to be the same night as the full moon. Everything in him said that was important. That the night would be one to remember.
Ignoring the ringing in his ears from the onslaught of drunken laughter and an annoying mix of music mixing in the air, he reached out one more time with his mind. Nothing. The night seemed calm and quiet. At least on the magical front.
He adjusted his tie and headed up the stairs. All the times he'd led his soldiers into battle, the vile enemies he'd faced, and he couldn't remember ever being more nervous than he was right then. He wondered if he was sweating through his shirt. His life, her life, his kingdom, the safety of his people, rested on what he discovered from her. Not to mention, he was becoming more attached to her than he'd imagined. Way too quickly. Maybe that was a good thing, though. They were meant to be mates, after all.
Rhys knocked on her door with a shaking hand, the weight of the world landing solidly on his shoulders and twisting his stomach in knots.
He took several deep breaths, calling on his magic to help calm himself. His wolf wasn't helping. The animal was solely focused on his mate. The mate he could smell on the other side of the door. Vanilla, strawberries, and oddly enough, a hint of gunpowder. That hadn’t been there before. Perhaps as they drew closer to the full moon, more of her true self was revealed. Whatever it was, the warrior inside her wasn't subtle and neither was her wolf. He could sense she was just as determined to seal the mating as he was and frustrated with her human for not acting.
Shuffling and then a muffled “shit!” reached his ears. He laughed silently.
Makenna threw open the door, and he nearly swallowed his tongue.
She was fucking beautiful.
A black dress hugged her muscular body like a second skin. It landed midway down her thighs, giving him a show of those amazing legs, ending in knee high black boots that helped turn the effect up several notches. Scanning his way back up her body, he paused at her ample breasts, creamy skin peeking out from a low-cut neckline. A silver cuff on her right wrist caught the light as she lifted her hand to her hair. He made it to her eyes to find a crooked eyebrow and a luscious red smirk framed by shiny black locks falling over her strong, gorgeous shoulders.
“Had your fill?” She may have looked serious, but her laugh was in her voice as she repeated some of the first words they'd ever said to each other.
He moved in with grace and ease like the predator he was. “Not hardly.”
Rhys pulled her to him, unable to stop himself from kissing down her jaw to her throat. She grabbed his shoulders, her long, elegant fingers wrapping around his upper arms. Her uneasiness and the slight stiffness in her muscles slowly deserted her as she clung to him.
Makenna pulled back, hooded eyes full of mischief. “Keep that up and we won't make it to dinner.”
“Wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen.” He had to get himself in check. The worst thing would be him losing his last shred of control and marking her. Which would definitely happen soon if they didn't get out of this apartment.
Then again, maybe it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe Rhys should mark her, staking his territory. The full bonding couldn't happen unless he was inside her, and she returned the mark. But if one of Kylian's warriors saw his mark on Makenna, it could seal her fate. No, he'd hold back. For now.
She laughed, but there was a tension to it. He watched as their last encounter flashed through her mind. Then he saw her attempt to hide it, slipping into a polite mask. Oh, he didn't like that. He wanted the real her, not the face she donned when she was trying to force distance between herself and others.
He slid to the side and gently pushed her toward the door. With a sharp slap to her fabulous ass, he prodded her into the hall. “Let's go. And don't hide from me again.”
“I have no idea what you mean.” She turned and flashed him that annoyingly perfect false smile. Then she had the nerve to flip him off before flouncing down the stairs.
He locked the door, shaking his head as he followed. Oh, she was definitely going to be trouble. Stubborn to the bone, no fear of him like most other people, and she seemed to love a good fight, if the other day was any indication. She'd eventually be stronger than him, according to the lore. That was one bit of information he hoped Makenna didn't learn right away. If she did, he could be in a world of trouble, depending on how this all went down.
Rhys opened the exterior door, trailing her down the sidewalk.
She looked up and down the almost empty street. Her eyes landed on the pristine Ducati at the end of the walk. She spun to face him.
“Oh please, God, tell me that's yours.” She glanced back at the black beauty glistening in the moonlight before settling on him again.
His smile widened. He'd thought he'd have to convince her to get on his baby. Not so. She fairly shook with the desire to straddle the fastest bike in the world. Pride swelled in him that she seemed to be aware of that last fact.
Rhys did love a woman who knew her machines.
“Yes. She's mine.” He moved toward the bike, but she beat him there.
“She is gorgeous.” Makenna ran her hand over the handlebars, then across the seat.
She touched it gently, more of a caress, as if the bike under her fingers were a lover. The bike left his mind as it was consumed with thoughts of those hands on him. Suddenly, his pants were a little too constricting. He forced himself to calm, thinking of whatever he could to get his body to cool down. Now wasn't the time.
“So, I take it you like bikes?”
She nodded emphatically, facing him with elation and excitement flashing in her beautiful dark eyes. They were almost black, just like his. He could get lost in them.
“I love them. Any vehicle really.” Makenna laughed. “I'm a gear head. I admit it.”
> “I should've known after seeing your truck.” He straddled the bike and handed her a helmet.
She didn't really need it, but she might not know that. The thought sent his anxiety up again.
She waved it away. “No way. I want the full effect.”
She climbed on behind Rhys while he stowed the helmet away. When she leaned in and wrapped her arms around him, he almost turned around and had her right there. Those luscious breasts pressed against his back might be his undoing.
Makenna cleared her throat. “So, do I get to drive her?”
Rhys grinned. “We'll see.” He'd never let anyone else touch his bike before, let alone drive it. But something in him wanted to give her everything she desired. For that reason he landed a quick kiss to her nose and turned back around.
He started the engine and revved it a couple times before pulling away from the curb. Her grip on him tightened, but her exhilarated laugh let him know she was more than fine with a little speed. Rhys had to focus hard to keep his mind on the road and not the beautiful woman wrapped around him. Her warmth wound right down into his heart and warmed him in places he didn't even know he was cold.
They pulled into the parking lot of a nice restaurant, and he helped her off the bike. The wind had whipped her hair around her face and shoulders, and her cheeks were rosy, flushed with delight. It was all he could do to keep his hands off her. Somehow he managed, but he did settle his hand on the small of her back to guide her toward the door.
“Sorry we have to walk. I don't trust valets with my baby.”
“Oh, I don't mind. It's a nice night.” She lifted her face to the waxing moon, closing her eyes as the rays washed over her.
He didn't care for her wavering voice and the tension in the air again. He needed her relaxed. Hopefully, the moonlight she was basking in would help with that.
Rhys ran his fingers up her spine, enjoying the shiver that wandered through her. She didn't pull away. In fact, she leaned in to him. Progress.
“This place is really nice. I've never been here before.” Makenna looked around at the dark, romantic interior as the hostess led them to the table he'd reserved.
Candles flickered on black tablecloths. A fake fire burned in a large stone fireplace to their left. Burgundy curtains draped alcoves where table sat along the wall. The hostess motioned them into one.
“I thought you might like a treat.” He didn't like to throw his money around. Especially since there wasn't quite as much now as there had been before the war. But she deserved the best. Whether she knew it or not, she was royalty and should be treated as such.
He pulled a plush chair out for her and once she was seated, took his own. This time as he watched the nerves flutter out through her delicate hands, he gathered it wasn't from their situation or what had happened between them. No, she was uneasy in the upscale restaurant. She fidgeted. It was cute but also sad that she didn't know what to do with herself. She should've been used to the finer things and had them all her life.
Rhys reached over and took her hands that were twisting on the tabletop. “Hey, calm down.” He gave a double squeeze to get her eyes to meet his. “You belong here. Don't worry so much.”
Makenna exhaled on a laugh. “That obvious, huh? I've just never been anywhere like this. I feel like people are watching, waiting for me to do something unforgivable.”
“The only reason people would be watching you is because you're the most beautiful woman in the room.” He leaned across the small table and brought her cool, clammy hand to his lips. “Relax.”
“Wow. Smooth. They teach that in rich boy school?” She laughed, then turned serious at his frown. “Sorry. That was rude. You just seem a little more used to this kinda thing than me.” She tugged her hand away and laughed, a jittery edge to it. “I'm more a cheeseburger and beer kinda gal.”
He let the comment roll off him. She wasn't far from wrong. He'd been raised in luxury, despite that his people were warriors. His father and mother had ensured they always had the best. Rhys couldn't be offended when her words held no venom, just matter of fact truth.
“That's one thing I like about you. You enjoy the simple things. They're often the best things in life.”
She smiled and that mischievous flare he loved glinted in her expression. “Nice recovery.” Makenna flipped her hair over her shoulder and sat back as the waitress arrived for their drink and appetizer order. After he ordered a bottle of wine, with her approval, and the calamari, she settled back and tilted her head.
“So tell me, exactly where did you grow up? And how? Were you really the little rich boy in boarding school or wherever it is they send you?”
Rhys chuckled, but a weight settled in his gut. How would he tell her enough to get her to reciprocate without giving away too much? But also letting her know he was different and it was okay to admit she was as well? Tricky.
“No boarding school. But we did have tutors.” At her tweaked brow, he went on. “I grew up far away, in a place very different from New Orleans. We were well off.” That was putting it mildly. He took a sip of his water. “But my parents were down to earth. They raised us to value the things that are truly important. Family. Love. Protecting our people. Helping those less fortunate. Duty and honor. Fighting for what you believe in.”
Makenna coughed. She gulped her own water. “Must be a change of pace slumming it with a chick who's about as common as you can get.”
Rhys stiffened. “You are not common. Not by any stretch. Don't ever refer to yourself in that manner.” He tried to keep the steel and anger out of his voice, but it was impossible. Did she really know nothing of who she was? She certainly seemed sincere in her belief she was a commoner, as she put it. “What was it like growing up for you?”
Her eyebrows dipped together. “Okay.” She drew out the word as her nose wrinkled. “You don't have to get all bent out of shape. It's just the truth. It's who I am.” With that, she moved the conversation away from his question. She sat back as the server placed their calamari in the center of the table. “Anyway, you didn't tell me where this faraway place was.”
He exhaled, the temper he worked to keep contained scratching at his chest. He didn't get the feeling she was playing him, but she was hiding something. It was an undercurrent. Makenna ignored any question about herself. Her movements were controlled, almost too much. And purposely delicate. As if she were afraid someone might pick up on the fact she'd been blessed with strength most couldn't imagine. He'd seen it at the cafe when she'd jumped over the bar stool.
He shifted the conversation back to her. He needed information and he’d get it. “We've talked about me enough. I want to know about you. Tell me how you grew up. What your hobbies are. When's your birthday? Any special talents?”
It was all Rhys could say without coming right out and asking if she had superpowers or knew she wasn't human. The whole situation was more taxing than he'd imagined it would be, and his patience was rapidly waning. He'd thrown the birthday question in deliberately, hoping she might give something away.
She gulped down half a glass of wine without meeting his gaze. Then she took in the people around them.
“Not much to tell. I turn twenty-five in three days. But I don't usually make a big deal of it. After my aunt and uncle died, I went to foster care. When I was fourteen, I left and have lived on my own ever since. I work two jobs and keep to myself.” Finally, Makenna looked at him. Her expression was shuttered. She was done talking about herself. “So, where is it exactly you grew up? You know, the question I asked first that you didn't answer.” Her eyes sharpened on him.
For the first time, he saw the raven in her, screaming to be let out. How could she not know? Fuck. Was she that good at lying? Had she developed a whole other life and brainwashed herself into believing it so much that she could deny the true her, the animals within her?
Heat rose hard and fast in his blood. He clenched his fists together in his lap. Rhys was sorely tempted to toss the dam
n table over and challenge her, just to see if she'd let her true self out to play. She'd never been afraid of him. Never backed down. Which made sense. She was a warrior. The warrior. A fighter of legend. The queen of a ferocious people. It had to be killing her not to display her truth. Her skin had to itch and burn with the need to fight. Did she ever release her inner beasts and let them breathe the fresh air? Let them hunt as was their nature? Or had she forced them into cages and locked them up tight?
After all, Makenna was a goddess. If anyone had the power to contain themselves, it was her. Yet there she was, looking for all the world like an average woman, though with a vicious, hard edge she couldn't hide no matter how practiced she was. An edge that would only grow sharper as her birthday neared.
Oh, this female was good. But Rhys was better.
She may hate him for what he was about to do. He may very well hate himself for it. But there was no way around it. They'd reached the point of no return sooner than he'd expected. There was no turning back. The gates had already been opened.
The raven and the wolf were about to be forced out of their cages.
Makenna rested her elbows on the table and leaned in. The very air around her boiled with tightly contained anger. “Is there some reason you're looking at me like I'm the shit stain who killed your favorite dog?”
The challenge in her soft yet commanding voice called to his wolf and had him clawing harder than ever to get to her. His shoulders went back, his eyes narrowed, and damned if his pants didn't get tighter than they'd been all night.
There she was. The queen he wanted more than breath.
“I'm just wondering why you're not being honest with me.” It took all he had to force politeness into his tone.
“Really? Me?” Makenna huffed and sat back. She sipped her wine. The woman had control he'd never seen. She was able to brush off his obvious rage. No one else was capable of that. No way she knew nothing about what she was. “That's rich, seeing as how you've refused to answer my questions several times.” She shook her head and pushed back from the table.