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Sleeper (Rise of the Fianna Book 1) Page 5
Sleeper (Rise of the Fianna Book 1) Read online
Page 5
Trystan pulled back. He tilted his head skyward, letting the rays ease his pain. As wolves, they drew some of their strength from the moon. It had the ability to calm them or incite them to battle, whichever was needed at the time.
Trystan finally lowered his gaze to Rhys's. “I, uh, I'm...” he cleared his throat. “I apologize.” He collected himself and rose to his feet, Rhys following. “I offer myself for whatever punishment you see fit.”
Then he tilted his head back and bared his throat. Rhys froze. His own throat clogged. As Alpha, it was his right to punish anyone who challenged his authority. Normally, he'd call a circle and hand out a solid beating to the offender. This time, there was no way he could bring himself to do it. He would not punish Trystan for a foolish decision made in the throes of grief.
“I accept your submission. There will be no further punishment.” Trystan dropped his chin, brow furrowed as Rhys extended his hand. “Come, brother. Let's get cleaned up and get some sleep. Something tells me we're going to need it.”
Trystan hesitated, then grabbed Rhys's arm in a warrior's handshake. Rhys pulled him into a hug, slapping his back.
When they released one another, Trystan turned to go, then looked back over his shoulder. “Thank you. You are a true friend and a worthy leader.” With that, he glanced at Amanda, then headed for his own hut.
With a small smile to Rhys and Talon, Amanda followed Trystan. Rhys could only imagine she would try to comfort him. He doubted Trystan would be receptive, but Rhys wouldn’t stop her from trying.
“It's too soon. He's not ready.” Talon commented as he walked with Rhys back to his hut, his eyes on Amanda and Talon.
“Perhaps. But she can help him heal.”
“Aye. Maybe she can. I just don't want to see my sister hurt if he refuses her offer of more than friendship. An offer I know she will make soon.”
“I understand. But we have to let them find their own way.”
Bowen sighed and clapped Rhys on the shoulder. “Integrating Makenna into the pack will be difficult if she’s been raised as human and not wolf. But it’s necessary.” He turned toward the hut. “I’ll take care of that for you.” He focused the orange power in his hands on the wall. It mended before their eyes. “Let me know if you need anything else.” He walked away, humming a tune.
Sometimes he was a strange fellow.
Talon walked to the hut with Rhys, standing on the porch as Rhys opened the door. He turned to his Alpha and friend, worry and that guarded hope etched on his face. “You're really certain it's our Makenna?”
Rhys nodded. “With everything in me.”
Talon nodded and a cautious smile spread across his face. “Then bring her home.” With that, he shut the door behind him.
Rhys stood staring at the door.
Tomorrow, he'd make his first real move in getting to know his queen, getting her comfortable with him. He had to move quickly. Their world was always unpredictable, now more so than ever. He couldn't take the chance of Kylian finding her. Killing her. Or worse, turning her and forcing Rhys to have to hunt and kill her. He had to bring her home before the full moon in five days.
Trystan's words pinged around his mind. “What if she’s already been turned?”
His friend was wrong. He'd felt nothing of evil in her when they'd touched earlier. He would know if she'd been turned. Still, he had to be on his guard. Kylian employed powerful, dark magic. Anything was possible.
He took a quick shower, then fell into bed, exhaustion riding him hard. Scattered, dark thoughts wouldn't leave him be.
Kylian using assassins to eliminate the bloodlines.
He'd found his queen.
Ciarra had been killed.
He'd gone to blows with his best friend.
And now he had to be even more watchful, on guard against his own mate until they knew for certain her heart was pure, that Kylian hadn’t gotten to her with his dark magic.
When had his entire world gone mad?
No Good
“Well, shit!”
Huffing and making a sound that came close to a growl, Makenna threw the empty coffee can in the general direction of the trash. It hit the wall and bounced on the rim before crashing to the floor.
So far, her Saturday morning royally sucked.
The hot water heater had kicked the bucket, so a cold shower had given her a rude awakening. Then she'd dropped her pump bottle of lotion, squirting the stuff all over the bathroom. When she'd finally gotten that all straightened out, she'd turned around and walked right into the door jamb.
Now there was no coffee. She desperately needed it, seeing as how she'd only gotten maybe two hours of sleep. Which seemed to be the norm lately.
Yep. She should've stayed in bed. Especially since today was her only Saturday off from the gym this month.
Makenna let loose a real growl this time as she peered into the mirror hanging by the front door. At least the knot on her head had gone down some. Her naturally tan skin hid the mark a little, but not much. She tugged her long bangs out of her ponytail and let them fall over one almond shaped eye. It didn’t really make her feel any better about the situation.
She wasn't fit for her own company before coffee, and now she'd have to run down to the cafe to get the necessary cup. Which meant dealing with other humans when she most definitely shouldn't.
Pulling on her beat up tennis shoes, she glanced down and saw her faded Metallica T-shirt had gotten caught in the zipper of her cutoffs.
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” She tugged the zipper down and yanked the shirt out. The sound of ripping fabric filled the entryway. “Damn it! That was my favorite shirt!”
Makenna growled again before grabbing her keys and heading out the door, slamming it behind her as hard as she could.
Maybe she should go to the gym anyway and see if anyone was up for sparring. That was always the best stress reliever. But no, freak she was, she couldn't spar anyone when she was pissed off or in any other highly emotional state. That led to trouble. Trouble that got people hurt, whether she meant to or not.
It really sucked ass being a weirdo with uber strength. Most people would probably love it. Makenna hated it. All she wanted was to be normal. She laughed as she hoofed it down the street. Yeah, normal wasn't an option for her. Never had been.
She waved at a couple locals setting out their signs and sweeping sidewalks before opening for the day. Rarely would she be seen out at seven a.m. on a weekend, but this was a special situation. Def-con one. She really should get out earlier every now and then, though. It was nice walking her street with no tourists crowding in, spilling drinks, and asking stupid ass questions they could find the answers to in the ridiculous brochures and guides they carried. She could enjoy the beauty and eccentricity around her, the funny little shops and cute cafes, the trees and the Mardi Gras decorations.
“Hey there, Miss Makenna.” Mr. Labeaux waved her over from the door of his voodoo shop. Well, that's what the tourists thought it was. He sold herbs, teas, stones and gems, and the requisite kooky novelty items. Maybe he practiced, maybe he didn't. There was an interesting energy around him. Makenna didn't care. He'd always looked out for her, one of the few constants in her life. “Whas you up to dis early now, cha?”
The man had the darkest skin she’d ever seen, like the best kind of chocolate. He was small, a few inches shorter than she was, but he had a mighty air about him.
Makenna leaned in to one of his amazing hugs. He smelled like sweet jasmine and patchouli and she loved it. “I ran out of coffee, so I'm headed down to Baby Ray's for some chicory and a couple beignets while I'm at it.”
“Oh, cha.” He whistled. “How you done talkin' to folk before ya had your mojo juice?” He laughed, a rich, soothing sound she adored. He leaned in and kissed her cheek, then motioned her on. “You git, now. Don't wanna take my chances much longer until you've had your chicory. Ain't s
afe, no matter how much juju I got!”
She laughed and kissed him right back. “Aw, you're always safe with me.”
He grabbed her hand before she walked away and turned suddenly serious eyes on her. “That I know, cher. That I know for a fact. You is a force to be reckoned with, that sure.”
Makenna tilted her head as he smiled and squeezed her hand. There was something in his eyes. A knowledge, and a peace. Like he wanted to tell her something, but at the same time was content to hold it in and let her discover it for herself.
She shook off the feeling. Of course her morning would be topped off by her getting slammed with one of those damn “knowings”.
“Thank you.” It was more a question than a statement.
“Yes, ma'am. World be much safer with you in it.” He tweaked her nose and turned back to his store.
Makenna lifted a brow, then shook her head and moved on. Too early for perplexing old men telling riddles.
She scooted around a crowd of tourists coming out of Ray's. Man, they were out earlier every year. She slid up to the counter and before her butt hit the stool, Ray set down a large, steaming cup and a basket of beignets in front of her.
She smiled up at him. “Ray, I think I might be fallin' in love with you.”
The big man laughed as he wiped his sweaty brow with the back of his arm. “You only love me for the coffee and sugar.” He leaned over and ruffled her hair like she was a little kid. “On the house this mornin'. Looks like ya need it.”
“You have no idea.” She pushed the words out past a mouthful of dough and powdered sugar. Her eyes closed, and she moaned. “These are the best things ever.”
Ray’s dark, round face broke in a laugh again, the motion jiggling his big belly, and moved back to the kitchen, singing along with the Motown song weaving its way through the chatter of the crowd.
Lord save her from sweet old black men who’d adopted her. She loved them both, though.
Makenna dove in, drowning each bite with a swig of the dark, strong chicory coffee. She'd just started to feel human again when a tingle lit up her spine. That same whisper from the other night touched her ears, despite the noise of the diner. Warmth crawled through her system.
She knew without turning it was him. The guy from the grocery store. Nothing else caused that kind of chaos inside her. Her insides knotted. Well, shit. He was about the last thing she wanted to see right now. Especially when she looked like road kill.
She'd just swallowed another bite and rinsed it down with an extra big gulp of coffee when his breath warmed her ear.
“That looks delicious. May I try some?” His rich voice was like chocolate. Dark, smooth, and addictive. That slight lilt had her entire body perking up. The double meaning to his words caressed her skin, leaving goose bumps behind.
Makenna snapped out of her fog and tossed a sharp look over her shoulder. “You're in N'Orleans and never had a beignet?”
The man slid onto the stool beside her. He leaned on the counter and faced her. “I haven't had the pleasure.” The corner of his luscious mouth quirked, and she about fell off her stool.
What was she, fifteen? He was just a man. A man who could apparently drive her out of her ever lovin' mind with only his words. She seriously needed to get her shit together.
Makenna painted on her “not interested” face and pointed at the plate of steaming treats. “Have at.”
She went back to stuffing her face and chugging coffee, trying her damnedest to act like he didn't have her entire system spiraling in a tail spin. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as he picked up a beignet and slowly brought it to his mouth. He didn't shove the whole thing in like most guys. No, this dude only took half in a bite, letting his eyes flutter closed. Her mouth flooded, as did other parts of her.
Then he groaned, and she about lost her shit.
Makenna swallowed hard, nearly choking on her own bite. She cleared her throat then grabbed her coffee cup in a hurry. It slipped from her shaking hand. Faster than human reflexes had Rhys catching it before the brew could spill all over the front of her already-ruined shirt.
Makenna jumped off the stool like a jungle cat. Without touching the bar with her hands, she vaulted herself up and back. Oops. Usually she was more careful with her “special mojo” as Mr. Labeaux called it. He was the only other person who knew something wasn't quite right with her.
Well, him and now apparently this guy. He didn't seem surprised at all. Not that she expected him to be after that little show with the coffee cup. Thankfully no one else seemed to notice.
“Hey, Ray, can I get one to go and a bag for the beignets?” She avoided her mystery man's eyes as she rested her hands on the bar, her foot tapping a random beat on the floor.
Mr. Hot and Strange cocked any eyebrow. “Running?”
The simple word lit her temper, which didn't take much with her short fuse. “I don't run. Just have things to do.”
Yeah, she was a liar.
The irresistible man unnerved her. Part of her really wanted to know how he moved that fast and why she felt the vibes she did from him. Almost as if he were like her, whatever the hell she was. Not to mention, he made her tingle in places that hadn't seen any action in way too long.
That thought had her halting in her effort to flee. It had been a while. And those feelings he brought out in her had the idea niggling her brain that she should see if he could take care of a few things for her.
She chose not to think about the absurdly intense idea she belonged to him.
Maybe she should hang around after all. He seemed to be into her, and she was absolutely certain he'd be a good time. Which was all she was looking for. She didn't need commitment, didn't need promises. She didn't know how to do that.
She turned a smile on him. A grin spread across his face, as if he knew what she'd been thinking.
“I wish you’d stick around. I'd like to get to know you better, if you’d be open to that” Ray set her order down, then gave mystery man the eye. He returned Ray's stare of death, assuring him without words she'd be safe. Also, there was a hint of a threat in there not to stand in his way.
Makenna shook her head. Again with the knowing things she shouldn't, or would rather not.
Ray nodded. “See ya tomorrow, Mak girl.”
Rhys tipped his chin at Ray. “Could I get a to-go coffee as well?”
Ray grunted, then nodded and turned back to the kitchen, casting suspicious glances over his shoulder.
“My name's Makenna. Makenna O’Neill. Yours?”
“Rhys O'Conaill.” At her raised brow, he laughed. “It's Irish.”
She scooped up her goodies. Rhys. And he was Irish. That explained the lilt. “So, you want to know me, huh, Rhys?”
Cool. She had to play it cool. He couldn't know how much he affected her. It'd give him too much power.
Rhys stood. “Very much.” He nodded at her handful of stuff. “How about we take that to the park down the street?”
Ray sat down Rhys’ coffee with another grunt. Rhys nodded, acknowledging the grudging acceptance of his being around Makenna.
She shook her head. She'd never understand guys and their macho, protective bullshit. Jerking her head toward the door, she took off, knowing Rhys would follow. Rhys kept stride with her, holding the door wide for her to go first. A gentleman. Why wasn't she surprised? Maybe because while he looked like a playboy, an ancient air wafted around him, reminding her of knights of old.
Shoving her weird thoughts aside, Makenna put one foot in front of the other, stalking down the sidewalk. The gorgeous mountain shadowed her, almost making her feel small. They got several stares as they passed, with some people scurrying to get out of their way. She was used to it. For one, she was a six foot tall woman. For another, she wasn’t exactly one to smile a lot and had been told she didn’t exactly put off warm and fuzzy vibes. Judging by the looks of him, Rhys probably was too. Still, she glanced over at him after the last couple had nearly t
ripped over themselves clearing the path.
Yep. Just as she thought. He didn’t seem to notice. Why would he? His eyes were firmly fixed on her with an intent that gave her chills. In a good way. Getting what she needed from him was going to be so easy. She'd get him out of her system, and then hopefully he'd bolt, not wanting anything serious any more than she did.
Something in Makenna’s gut warned her it might not be that easy. He'd probably figure out real quick she was no good and head for the hills. Hopefully, she'd get a good time first..
So she'd sit with him for a while. See if they could have a little fun. And she'd try to keep from falling for him so she didn't care when he walked away.
Makenna picked a bench close to the water where she hung out often. It was surrounded by lush trees and beds of beautiful flowers. It wasn’t a place the tourists liked to hang out much, so they had the place nearly to themselves. Just them and a few locals. She loved the smell of the Mississippi. There was something soothing about that muddy water. Usually she came just after dark, watching the lights on the boats and barges, letting the calm wash over her.
Now she was sharing her special spot with him. It hadn't hit her until that moment. Her heart sped up, pounding faster than it already was. This was a private part of her, her special place. She was showing him a piece of herself. She usually guarded those pieces ferociously. Oh well, a hundred other people sat there every day.
Rhys turned to face her, throwing his right arm over the back of the bench, his fingers grazing her shoulder. She moved closer, bringing her knee up so that it rested against his arm. May as well let him know right off she welcomed his touch. The simple contact lit her nerves up like a freaking Christmas tree. Then there was that funny feeling in her gut that had nothing to do with being all worked up and needy. No, it was so much more than that. So powerful Makenna almost pulled away and put an end to the whole thing.
But looking into his ebony eyes, she couldn't. That weird pull had her ass rooted to the spot.